Activities > Development Council

Development Council looks forward the growth of students mentally. It uplifts the personality and extra curricular activities hidden in a student. The council acts a guidance group for all the other students of St.Mary's HSS.

The Council is committed to ensuring success for all students through staff development and school improvement. The main objectives are:
  • To gather, link and update information about current career exploration services and to assist in promoting those to students, faculty and our respective departments.
  • To seek student input about and to implement effective programming and ways to promote career exploration services.

  • To provide continuing educational opportunities for students about the career exploration process and outside resources that address that process for students.

The Student Council provides a place where students can voice their concerns about issues within St.Mary's HSS. Student Council acts as a liaison between the students and the administration/management.

Updated on: 27 Sep 2010



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